The 9th Call for Applications will be launched in spring 2013. A pre-announcement paper is now available with background information, including a preliminary timeline.
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Read more about the background and next steps in the pre-announcement paper.
Potential applicants are advised to read the background paper and coming guidance note carefully, since it will be a limited call with a number of restrictions and conditions.
Preliminary timeline (all dates 2013, all dates tbc)
Mid-January: Guidance note published
31 January: Deadline for submission of ideas to Secretariat for feedback
7 February: Guidance event in Copenhagen
4 March: Call for Applications opens
8 April: Call for Applications closes
May/June: Decisions on applications
Guidance Note and Up-coming Event
A guidance note for the Call is currently under preparation and is expected to be published towards the middle of January 2013.
A guidance event is scheduled for 7 February 2013 in Copenhagen. Date and venue will be confirmed once registration opens in mid of January.
Latest information - More information after the Holidays
Please check the website for the latest information. Further details are expected to be posted after the Christmas Holidays.