Dryport - a modal shift in practice
Background and Aim
The project aim was to develop, design and set effective Hinterland intermodal freight transport nodes -Dryports that are fully integrated with the Gateway's freight handling systems, to adapt a public concept to a private sector model, to monitor CO2 effects and to integrate Dryports into the EU Motorways of the Sea concept.
In a fully developed Dryport concept the seaport controls operations, but the terminal itself must not serve only one port as it can (should) be part of a larger network. Dryports are used more consciously than inland terminals in order to deal with increased (container) flows, with a focus on security and control through information and communication systems. The real difference is that the gates of the port are extended and that the forwarder sees the Dryport as an adequate interface towards port and shipping lines.
International trade has grown immensely since GATT started in 1950. The increase in international trade has exceeded the growth in the global production. A consequence is that more goods are transported over larger distances and more frequently than ever before.
Further action is needed to achieve the objectives of the EU White Paper on common transport policy. These objectives call for a return of the alternative modes to their 1998 share by 2010, and then increase this from then onwards. The increase in greenhouse gas emissions from transport threatens the Kyoto targets. Therefore, additional policy initiatives and instruments are needed.' ( quotes E.E.A. Copenhagen). Dryports was one of those instruments.
Our industry around the North Sea must constantly develop its logistics systems in order to meet the geographic distance handicap to the rest of Europe. For exporting companies the added cost for this transport handicap equals to the labour cost. The necessity of controlling these logistics costs is therefore a question of survival.
Parallel to this, the logistics systems create a large environmental impact that needs to be effectuated both on a short term and long-term basis. Links and nodes for efficient transport and logistics operations are essential in this vision. Effective links between roads, rail connections and waterways and between nodes & terminals lead to increased logistics efficiency, lower costs, higher capital effectiveness and improved competition possibilities for the northern region in Europe.
The bulk of the freight flows that is transported by road goes to and from the immediate Hinterland of major Gateways. The dryport concept aimed at these short and mid range road transport flows. New was to achieve a modal shift from road to rail and/or inland waterways by integrating gateway freight handling systems with hinterland nodes based on smart IT solutions.
PROJECT DURATION | : 2008-06-01 - 2012-07-01 |
ERDF GRANT | : 2,766,745.00 € |
TOTAL ELIGIBLE BUDGET | : 5,533,490.00 € |
LEAD BENEFICIARY | : Västra Götalandsregionen Regionutvecklingssekretariatet, Sweden |
Information Hub
Dryport Quarterly_Issue 2
Dryport Quarterly_Issue 3
Dryport Quarterly_Issue 4
Dryport Quarterly_Issue 5
Dryport Quarterly_Issue 6
Dryport Quarterly_Issue 7
Dryport Quarterly_Issue 8
Dryport Quarterly_Issue 9
Emmen; strengthening logistic hub
Emmen; Needs for a Railterminal
Emmen; dryport magazine special
Emmen; Presentation at congress
Emmen; GOLD declaration
IAW Bremen - Governance report
IAW Bremen - summary Governance report
IAW Bremen - presentation case study
IAW Bremen - presentation logistic hubs
IAW Bremen - presentation governance patterns
SEStran; Coatbridge, Scotland's dryport
SEStran; study freight consolidation
SEStran; study rail freight
SEStran; sustainable urban distribution
TRI Napier; project achievements
TRI Napier; overview publications
Falköping overview
Falköping presentation public sector
Falköping presentation Skaraborg logistic center
Port of Göteborg; where to realize new
Trafikverket; RFID in Rail
VGland RFID full report
VGland 4 questions to Bergman
VGland RFID info
VGland PPT template for common use
Haven Gateway employment land review
Haven Gateway Impact logistics & ports
Haven Gateway Impact logistics & ports, summary
Haven Gateway leaflet
Babergh guide for planning logistics
Babergh leaflet
annual 2008 significance of Dryports
annual 2008 regional logistics
conference Edinburgh Scottish dryport
conference Edinburgh Spanish dryport
conference Edinburgh Swedish railport
conference Edinburgh Stratmos
annual 2011 introduction
annual 2011 Haven Gateway
annual 2011 Future cooperation
final conference May 2012 Reflection on dryports
LP Brochure Dryport
LP Dryport in pictures
summary wp 2 publicity
summary wp 3 financial & land assesment
summary wp 4 the physical planning of a dryport
summary wp 5 IT & Security
summary wp 6 environmental aspects 6 & MoS
summary WP 7 Governance socio-economic aspects
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