
Future proofing the North Sea berry fruit industry in times of climate change

Background and Aim

ClimaFruit established transnational cooperation between research institutions and the North Sea Region berryfruit industry in order to maximize the implementation of innovative technologies and tools in the private sector to overcome challenges related to changed climate conditions.

Thereby, the project secured, sustained and grew the economic value of the North Sea Region berryfruit industry under changing climatic conditions by developing a world leading Berry Fruit Cluster in the North Sea Region, ensuring investment, opportunities, sustainable use of resources and the production of healthy food.

The project produced methods to reduce the carbon footprint of the industry, superior plant material and future production strategies better suited to the North Sea Region climate, as well as a virtual Soft Fruit Climate Change and Environment Centre ensuring the continuous uptake of methods by the berry fruit industry.

In this way, ClimaFruit secured the North Sea Region as a better place to live by reducing chemical use andthe carbon footprint of horticultural production systems, a better place to work by creating wealth via employment, and a better place to invest in and export from by overcoming existing risks and demonstrating the opportunity to grow the berryfruit industry in the North Sea Region.

PROJECT DURATION: 2009-10-01 - 2013-09-30
ERDF GRANT: 2,749,628.00 €
ERDF EQUIVALENT: 169,793.00 €
LEAD BENEFICIARY: Department of Food Science, Aarhus University (AU), Denmark

Information Hub

Solbær er sunde
Stort forkningsprojekt om bær
Dansk konsumfrugt skal fremtidssikes
Usprøjtede sorter af ribes
De gamle solbærsorter er stadig gode
Forskningsplan for økologiske bær
Mere opmarksomhed til økologiske bær
Black and red currant cultivars for organic production
Poster: Future-proofing berryfruit
Solbær, brombær of hindbær skal klimasikres
Blackcurrants, blackberries and raspberries to be climate-proofed
ClimaFruit rollup
Nytt interreg IVB Nordsjøregionprosjekt - Climafruit
Økologiske bringebær i polytunnel- effekt av gjødsling og klima
Økologisk bringebær i polytunnel - effekt av gjødsling og klima
Future-proofing berryfruit ClimaFruit
2009 ClimaFruit article
Development and quality of cloudberry _Rubus chamaemorus L._ as affected by female parent, male parent and temperature
Metabolome variability in crop plant species - when, where, how much and so what
Antioxidant Properties and Neuroprotective Capacity of Strawberry Tree Fruit (Arbutus unedo)
Ascorbic acid content of blackcurrant fruit is influenced by both genetic and enviromental factors
Bioactive berry components - potential modulators of health benefits
Recent patents on vitamin C - opportunities for crop improvement and single-step biological manufacture
Berry polyphenols inhibit pancreatic lipase activity in vitro
Strawberry polyphenols are equally cytotoxic to tumourigenic and normal human breast and prostate cell lines
Mapping QTLs for developmental traits in raspberry
Environmental and seasonal influences on red raspberry anthocyanin antioxidant contents and identification of quantitative traits loci (QTL)
Antioxidant and antiproliferative properties of strawberry tree tissues
Fruit for the Future 2009
Berry Polyphenols - Bioactivities and Health Benefits
Metabolomic approach to identifying bioactive compounds in berries
A mechanistic approach to fruit phytochemicals and cancer chemoprotection
Press Cutting The Scotsman 2010-02-17
Press Cutting Pres & Journal 2010-02-17
Coalition boost to the berry industry
Health Matters - Blackcurrants and dementia
ClimaFruit – Beeren mit Zukunft
ClimaFruit (for IHC, Portugal)
Colour and Anthocyanins in black currants juice
Antioxidant Capacity and Anthocyanin Content of Different Black currant Cultivars Grown With and Without Pesticides
European Network for Blackcurrants Cultivar Evaluation
Mere opmærksomhed til økologiske bær
Usprøjtede solbær gav pæne udbytter I 2009
De gamle solbærsorter er stadig gode
Nye tiltag på de økologiske værkstedsarealer
ClimaFruit (DK)
Efforts to boost blueberry production launched
Take a bigger bite of fruitful blueberry market, Scots growers urged
Improving Fruit quality in Rubus og Ribes through breeding
The development of a PCR-based marker linked to resistance to the blackcurrant gall mite (Cecidophyopsis ribis Acari: Eriophyidae)
Microsatellite Markers for Raspberry and Blackberry
New Insight into Wild Red Raspberry Populations using Simple Sequence Repeat Markers
Mapping QTLs for developmental traits in raspberry from bud break to ripe fruit
Environmental and seasonal influences on red raspberry anthocyanin antioxidant contents and identification of quantitative traits loci (QTL)
Genetic and environmental effects influencing fruit colour and QTL analysis in raspberry
Molecular Mapping and Breeding of Physiological Traits
Raspberries and Blackberries: The Genomics of Rubus
Enhancing the Nutritional Quality of Fruit Juices
Haustbærande bringebær i økologisk landbruk
Dekke som klimaforbedring i økologisk bærdyrking
Økologiske bringebær i polytunnel- effekt av gjødsling og klima
Potential of the European wild blueberry (Vaccinium mytillus) for cultivation and industrial exploration in Norway
Assessment of physiological changes and taste quality of European blueberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) using metabolite profiling
Effect on plant development and fruit quality of European blueberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) genotypes and growing conditions in Norway
Effect on plant development and fruit quality of European blueberry (Vaccinium myrtillus), at different climatic growing conditions in Norway
A comparison: Bioactive compounds in strawberry affected by different latitudes in Europe
Recent results and future prospective of black currant research in Estonia.Scandinavian
Challenges in Organic Black Currant Production
Berry Crop and Quality of Cultivars of Black Currant in Organic Growing
Recent status of blackcurrant production and perspectives for future development in Poland
Cordon training system for black and red currants
Mycosphaerella leaf spot and other fungal diseases in organic black currant production in Norway
Dessert type cultivars of blackcurrant – new breeding aim at the Research Institute of Pomology and Floriculture, Skierniewice, Poland
Organic production of raspberries and blackberries in high tunnels in Sweden
ClimaFruit Presentation
Impact of climate on productivity and quality of raspberry
Plasticity of black currants in a changing climate; focus on water efficiency
Evaluation of clonal variation and active gene conservation in wild Danish blueberry (Vaccinimum myrtillus L.)
Seminar on Forskning på solbær i Nordsø-området (Research on blackcurrants in the North Sea region)
Luksusbær til frisk konsum (luxery berries for freshconsumption)
Danish blueberries - conservation and quality screening
De vilde blåbær er langt sundere (Wild blueberries are healthier)
Aronia - Poster
Organic fertilization of the red raspberry ‘Glen Ample’ in polytunnel at 61º, 65º and 68ºN in Norway
Critical photoperiod for short-day induction of flowering in black currant (Ribes nigrum L.)
Elevated autumn temperature growth cessation and flower formation in black currant cultivars (Ribes nigrum L.)
Haustberande bringebær i økologisk landbruk
Klimaendring kan gi tidlegare jordbærsesong
Plastunnelar for dyrking av økologiske bær
Produksjon av hagebær i nord
Søte, ferske og gode – Hagebær vår neste ferskvaresuksess
Sortsutvikling i bær
Næringsforsyning i økologisk bringebær (Fertilization of organically grown raspberries)
Økologisk bringebær I polytunnel – effekt av gjødsling og klima
Kortreist mat og smak med lokal identitet. Betydning av lokale dyrkingsforhold (terroir) og lokal sort på dyrking av bringebær i Trøndelag
Effekter av nitrogengjødsling til ulik tid I forhold til blomsterdifferensiering i jordbær
Endringer i innholdsstoff i solbær ved ulik høstetid
Cordon training system for black and red currants
Dyrkingsteknikk for produksjon av dessertbær av solbær og rips
Det plantefysiologiske grunnlaget for en effektiv solbærproduksjon
Høstsprøyting med rapsolje: Overraskende god effekt mot bladmidd i bringebær
Berry polyphenols and digestive enzymes: Possible health benefits
Identification of polyphenol regulators of the insulin sensitive transcription factor FOXO1a
Metabolic profiling of polyphenols reveal viable targets for soft fruit breeding: model studies with blackcurrant
Bioactive components from berries: Human health effects
Effects of bioactive compounds from blackcurrant on the pathogenic pathways relevant for Alzheimer's disease: Results from the "BrainHealthFood" project
Berry polyphenols inhibit alpha-amylase in vitro: identifying active components in rowanberry and raspberry (Review)
Metabolome variability in crop plant species - when, where, how much and so what?
White and green tea polyphenols inhibit pancreatic lipase in vitro
Antioxidant and antiproliferative properties of strawberry tree tissues
Effect of different cooking regimes on rhubarb polyphenols
Arthropod pests of currant and gooseberry crops in the U.K.: their biology, management and future prospects
Currants and gooseberries (Ribes L.)
Enhancing the nutritional quality of fruit juices: Advanced technologies for juice extraction and pasteurization
Wild Crop Relatives: Genomic and Breeding Resources
Berry components may influence fat digestion and obesity
Botrytisbekämpfung in Himbeeren
Storage of raspberries and blackberries
Spraying technique in raspberries
Chemical control of Botrytis fruit rot
Influence of weeds in black currants
Nitrogen nutrition in black currants
Chemical control of powdery mildew in black currants
Verbreitung des geschützten Anbaus von Himbeeren und Brombeeren in Niedersachsen
Superior black- and redcurrants cultivas for organic production
Gooseberries, black- and redcurrants for fresh consumption
Impact of climate on productivity and quality of raspberry
Evaluation of Primocane Fruiting Raspberry Cultivars under Elevated Temperature Regimes
Effect of water stress on the ability of blackcurrant cultivars to grow under potted conditions
Plasticity of blackcurrant in a changing climate; focus on water efficiency
Genetic resources in wild Danish blueberries (Vaccinium myrtillus)
Development of the world’s first Danish blueberry orchard production
Raspberry and nutrition
Impact of climate on productivity and quality of raspberry
Plasticity of black currants in a changing climate; focus on water efficiency
Nyt liv i gamle bær. Mormor bær skal tilbage på bordet
Svarta vinbär för ekologisk odling
Health promoting compounds in black currants – the start of a study concerning ontogenetic and genetic effects
People involved in ClimaFruit Sweden 2011
Innovativa drycker från bär
Hallon och björnbär I tunnlar – ekologisk produktion
Raspberries and new soft fruits
Physiology of flowering and dormancy regulation in annual- and biennial-fruiting red raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.)
Terroir as a multiple factor of fruit quality in raspberry
Gode sorter viktig for vidare utvikling
Cropping and Chemical Composition of Black Currant (Ribes nigrum L) Cultivars in Norway
Bringebærplantens bygning og fysiologiske reaksjoner på klima og kulturtiltak
Dyrking I plasttunnel
Arthropod pests of currant and gooseberry crops in the UK: their biology, management and future prospects
Assessing the influence of genetics and environment on polyphenol composition in cloudberry (Rubus chamaemorus L) using a novel mass spectrometric method
Blackcurrant reversion virus validation of an improved diagnostic test, accelerating testing in breeding and certification of blackcurrrants
Candidate genes associated with bud dormancy release in blackcurrant (Ribes nigrum L.)
Crops and tasty, nutritious food – how can metabolomics help
Development and quality of cloudberry (Rubus chamaemorus L) as affected by female parent, male parent and temperature
Differential effectiveness of berry polyphenols as anti-giardial agents
Investigating preference-performance relationships in aboveground-belowground life cycles: a laboratory and field study with the vine weevil (Otiorhynchus sulcatus)
Metabolomics: a second-generation platform for crop and food analysis
Microsatellite markers for raspberry and blackberry
Multi-environment QTL mapping in blackcurrant (Ribes nigrum L.) using mixed models
Oviposition and feeding behaviour by the vine weevil (Otiorhynchus sulcatus) in relation to red raspberry (Rubus idaeus) cultivars and plant nutritional status
Polyphenol and Vitamin C content in European commercial blackcurrant juice products
Profiling of phenols in human faecal water after raspberry supplementation
Towards an understanding of the nature of resistance to Phytophthora root rot in red raspberry: is it mainly root vigour?
Wild Crop Relatives: Genomic and Breeding Resources
Developing molecular tools for the British blueberry industry
Validation of an improved diagnostic test to accelerate the certification of blackcurrant (Ribes nigrum L.) plants for breeding and propagation
Biodiversity in Rubus polyphenol content and composition
Crops for Human Health benefits
Better health through Scottish produce. Food and Health Innovation Service Event: Developing Health Improving Products
Exploring variation in textural properties in blackcurrant germplasm
Identification of polyphenol regulators of the insulin-sensitive transcription factor FOXO1a
Metabolomics as a route to fruit flavour and functionality: blackcurrant as a model study
Analysis of Soft fruit for health benefits - Progress so far
Blackcurrant Breeding at JHI
ClimaFruit transnational trial
Metabolic Profiling of Rubus
New developments in the Scottish Raspberry Breeding Programme
Soft Fruit Health Benefits – State of The Art
The impact of the soft fruit on degenerative diseases
Water Stress in raspberry
Raspberries in the rain
Understanding Climate Effects On Woody Fruit Crops
Systems And Procedures For Pathogen Testing Of Soft Fruit Nuclear Stock Collections And Plants In Quarantine
Developing a British blueberry industry
Botrytisbekämpfung in Himbeeren
Storage of raspberries and blackberries
Spraying technique in raspberries
Chemical control of Botrytis fruit rot
Influence of weeds in black currants
Nitrogen nutrition in black currants
Chemical control of powdery mildew in black currants
Verbreitung des geschützen Anbaus von Himbeeren und Brombeeren in Niedersachsen
Influence of water volume and drop size in raspberries (Serbia)
Storage of raspberries
Chemical control of powdery mildew in black currants
Development of a European blueberry production in Denmark
Health Promoting berry crops: Aronia and Blueberries
Black and red currant cultivars for organic production
Solbær og ribs målrettet til økologisk produktion
Forbedret produktkvalitet i solbær
Danske vilde blåbær skal tæmmes
Nye muligheder med danske vilde blåbær
Danske blåbær – Udvikling og aktivering af danske genressourcer
List of berry projects at AU Food Science at Danish Berries homepage for the growers
Bioactive compounds in fruit and berries – and Wild Danish blueberries
Produktion af æbler og pærer uden pesticidrester
Alternativer til pesticider
Plasticity of black-currants in a changing climate: Focus on water efficiency
Impact of climate on productivity and quality of raspberry
Year 2 report to Political Reference Group developed and submitted to the International Political Reference Group following completing of Year 2 reporting
Ekologisk odling av hallon och björnbär i tunnel, 2008-2011
Organic production of raspberries and blackberries in tunnels, 2008-2011
Svarta vinbär för ekologisk odling
Detektion av reversionsvirus I svarta vinbärsplantor med hjälp av RT-PCR
Health promoting compounds in Black Currants – the Start of a Study concerning ontogenetic and genetic effects
Black currant (Ribes nigrum L.) – An insight into the crop
Organ specific diversity in content of polyphenols among black currants (Ribes nigrum L.)
Ljuset I tunnel för hallonen
Tunnlar och växthus lufter odlingen
Health promoting compounds in black currants – the start of a study concerning ontogenetic and genetic effects
Floral initiation in black currant cultivars (Ribes nigrum L.): Effects of plant size, photoperiode, temperature, and duration of short day exposure
Effects of summer temperature on growth and flowering in six black currant cultivars (Ribes nigrum L.)
Supplemental LED growth light at high Latidudes in Norway in 2011
Mechanisms Underlying the Anti-Proliferative Effects of Berry Components in In Vitro Models of Colon Cancer
Lipophilic components in black currant seed and pomace extracts
Assessing the influence of genetics and environment on polyphenol composition in cloudberry (Rubus chamaemorus L) using a novel mass spectrometric method
Berry polyphenols inhibit a-amylase in vitro: Identifying active components in rowanberry and raspberry (Review)
Developing tools for long term breeding of blueberry germplasm for UK production
Generating genomic tools for blueberry improvement
Identification of QTLs for cane splitting in red raspberry (Rubus idaeus)
Identification, utilisation and mapping of novel transcriptome-based markers from blackcurrant (Ribes nigrum)
Blackcurrant Reversion Virus – validation of an improved diagnostic test, accelerating testing in breeding and certification of blackcurrant
Antioxidant, polyphenol and vitamin C content of a novel juice mixture
Blackberries and raspberries. In: Folta, K.M. & Kole, C. (eds.). Genetics Genomics and Breeding of Berries
Arthropod pests of currant and gooseberry crops in the UK: their biology, management and future prospects
Climafruit transnational trial
The impact of water limitation on the leaf metabolite profiles of red raspberry (Rubus idaeus)
The impact of water limitation on the leaf metabolite profiles of red raspberry (Rubus idaeus)
New crop product functionality
Naturally red - sustainable and achievable
International on crop specific and issues and generic methodologies for crop improvement and sustainability in the face of climate change
Developing molecular tools for the British blueberry industry
Great British food revival: currants
Hot water dipping of apples to control Penicilllium expansum, Neonectria galligena and Botrytis cinerea: effects of temperature on spore germination and fruit rots
Control of wide range of storage rots in naturally infected apples by hot-water dipping and rinsing
Black and red currant cultivars for organic production
Bioactivity and chemical composition of blackcurrant cultivars with and without pesticide treatment
Yield and product quality in blackcurrant
Luxury berries, black & red currant, gooseberry
Black currant- improving water availability for field grown black currant
Climate and dormancy 2012
Influence of rooting hormones, topophysis, shoot age and season on rooting success in propagation by cuttings in European Blueberry (Vaccinium myrtillus L.)
Blackberry trial - hardiness and yield
Influence of rooting hormones, topophysis, shoot age and season on rooting success in propagation by cuttings in European Blueberry (Vaccinium myrtillus L.)
Fertilizer experiments in European blueberry
Effect of heat stress on gene expression profile of annual fruiting raspberries
Effect of water stress during flowering of two pot grown (Ribes nigrum L.)
Yield, quality and nutrient content of strawberry grown at different organic fertiliser strategies
Black and red currant cultivar testing in Danmark
Black and red currant cultivars for organic production
Open house in field experiments with organic fruit and berries
De bedste solbærsorter til økologisk dyrkning
Vinterskader i Ben Hope
Blueberry research status at meeting with invited participants from industry
Wild Danish blueberries to be tamed
Wild Danish blueberries to be domesticated
Tunneler skal give luksusbær
Genetic resources and variation in wild Danish blueberries
Stor interesse for økologi
Fokus på økologisk dyrkning
An Optimized Method for Analysis of Phenolic Compoundsin Buds, Leaves, and Fruits of Black Currant (RibesnigrumL.)
Plant protection in organic raspberry production
Regional trial raspberries organic system, Sweden
Floral initiation in black currant cultivars (Ribes nigrum L.): Effects of plant size, photoperiode, temperature, and duration of short day exposure
Effects of photoperiod and temperature on growth, flowering and fruit yield in annual-fruiting red raspberry cultivars (Rubus idaeus L.)
Effects of summer temperature on growth and flowering in six black currant cultivars (Ribes nigrum L.)
European Network for Blackcurrant (Ribes nigrum L.) Cultivar Evaluation
Croppiing and chemical comositions of balck currants (Ribes nigrum L.) cultivars in Norway
Betre sorter av jordbær og bringebær til industrien
Prøving av nye solbærsortar
Quality Components of Berries of Red Raspberry
LTS (low temperature stress) in raspberry
LED in polytunnel
Berry components inhibit alpha-glucosidase in vitro (2012) Synergies between acarbose and polyphenols from black currant and rowanberry
Over-seasons Analysis of Quantitative Trait Loci Affecting Phenolic Content and Antioxidant Capacity in Raspberry
Neuroprotective effects of digested polyphenols from wild blackberry species
Neuroprotective effect of blackberry (Rubus sp.) polyphenols is potentiated after simulated gastrointestinal digestion
Fortification of blackcurrant juice with crowberry: Impact on polyphenol composition, urinary phenolic metabolites, and postprandial glycemic response in healthy subjects
Environmental and seasonal influences on red raspberry flavour volatiles and identification of
A universal fingerprinting set for red raspberry
An approach for the determination of winter chill requirements for different Ribes cultivars
Improving breeding efficiency in blackcurrant – the application of new selection techniques in Ribes
Berries and Health: A review of the evidence. A commissioned report for the Food Health and Innovation Service
The climafruit transnational experiment update
Soft fruit – Hope or Hype
Soft fruit anthocyanins and their impact on oxidative stress in model systems
The impact of conventional and organic agricultural approaches on blackcurrant polyphenol content and diversity
Annual variation in blackcurrant polyphenol content and diversity: A Scottish Swedish perspective
Water stress in Rubus
Berry polyphenols inhibit digestive enzymes: A source of health benefits
Examining human health effects of berries
Molecular breeding for increasing berry quality in Rubus and Ribes
Soft fruit and human Health
What are we up to with blackcurrant and human health
Soft fruit and Human Health: Hype or Hope?
Talk to Industry Body – Food & Health Innovation Scotland
Resistance through physical traits in raspberry
Blackcurrant Breeding and Research at The James Hutton Institute
Fruit for the Future 2012
Fruit for the future: what can we expect of soft-fruit
Chlorophyll Fluorescence and Flowering Behaviour of Annual-Fruiting Raspberry Cultivars under Elevated Temperature Regimes
Final report on Luxury berries
Gode ribssorter
Stikkelsbær på ny
Varmt vand styrker æblers immunforsvar
Varmt brusebad mod lagerråd
Ultraviolet lys bekæmper råd I æbler
Year 3 report to Political Reference Group developed and submitted to the International Political Reference Group following completing of Year 3 reporting
Berrymeat: New taste and better shelf life of organic meat products
An optimized method for analysis of phenolic compounds in buds, leaves, and fruits of black currant (Ribes nigrum L.)
Blackcurrant wine and vinegar
Effects of polyphenol-rich berry extracts on human erythrocytes
Plant protection in organic raspberry production
Goda och nyttiga bär
Rånna försöksstation 2012
Prøving av nye solbærsortar
Avling og kjemisk innhald hjå solbærsortar (Ribes nigrum L)
Jordbær 2011 – korrelasjoner farge og anthocyaniner
Kvalitet og dyrkingseigenskapar hjå nye jordbærsortar
Oppsummering etter bærsesongen 2012
Resultater frå sortsforsøk 2012
Oppsummering bærsesongen 2012
Jordbærforedling 2012 – resultater
Nes, a. vurdering av nylaga syltetøy i industrien
Berry polyphenols inhibit digestive enzymes: a source of potential health benefits?
Persistence of anticancer activity in berry extracts after simulated gastrointestinal digestion and colonic fermentation
Mechanisms underlying the anti-proliferative effects of berry components in in vitro models of colon cancer
Lipophilic components in black currant seed and pomace extracts
The neuroprotective potential of phenolic-enriched fractions from four Juniperus species found in Portugal
Anthocyanin-enriched bilberry and blackcurrant extracts modulate amyloid precursor protein processing and alleviate behavioral abnormalities in the APP/PS1 mouse model of Alzheimer's disease
Berry components inhibit glucosidase in vitro: synergies between acarbose and polyphenols from black currant and rowanberry
Mechanisms underlying chemopreventive effects of flavonoids via multiple signaling nodels within Nrf2-ARE and AhR0XRE gene regulatory networks
Berry fruit symposium, Staatlichen Lehr- und Versuchsanstalt
Blackcurrants and Human health: an update
Bioactive components from berries: Human health effects
Human health from fruit and vegetables: hype or hope?
Research grants clear way for new berries
JHI nets raspberry and blueberry project cash
Influence of water volume and drop size in raspberries
Presenting the results of the influence of weeds in black currants
Presenting the results in control of powdery mildew in black currants
Presenting the results of the nitrogen nutrition in black currants
Presenting the results in chemical control of Botrytis fruit rot in raspberries
Presenting the results of the fertilization of black currants in an organic growing system
Raspberry plant material with Tulameen after the planting year
Final Political Reference Group Report, Nov 2013
Poster: Climafruit
Climafruit – the North Sea collaborative approach to climate change
Chlorophyll fluorescence and flowering behavior of annual-fruiting raspberry cultivars under elevated temperature regimes
Winter hardiness and frost tolerance in black currant
Organic raspberry production in tunnel
Black currant-cover crops and water use
Effects of drought stress during flowering of two pot-grown blackcurrant (Ribes nigrum L.) cultivars
Climafruit Blackberry trial in Denmark – update September 2013
Consumer attitudes towards new technique for preserving organic meat using herbs and berries
ClimaFruit poster
Tag over æblerne – Er det vejen frem for usprøjtet æbledyrkning?
Æbler under tag er pletfrie
Spotless apples under roof
Organic blackberries without thorns
Berrymeat: New taste and better shelf life of organic meat products
New sour cherries on the way
Evaluation of Amaranthus (Amaranthus tricolor L.) growth and development under blue and red LED light in controlled environment
Effect of short term high temperature exposure on gene expression in raspberry cultivars
Identification of Black Currant (Ribes nigrum L.) Plants with Gall Mite (Cecidophyopsis ribis) Resistance Using a PCR Marker Linked to the Ce Gene
An update on black currant
Blåbär på friland och i tunnel 2011-2013
Variation in content of polyphenols and ascorbic acid as influenced by genotype, year and location
Phenols and Ascorbic Acid in Black Currants (Ribes nigrum L.): Variation Due to Genotype, Location, and Year
Variation in seasonal timing of flower bud initiation in black currant
Production of high-yielding raspberry long canes:The way to 3 kg of fruit per cane
Polyphenols are responsible for the proapoptotic properties of pomegranate juice on leukemia cell lines
Sequential extraction of black currant 1 residues produce anthocyanin-rich extracts 2 containing anthocyanin dimers
Declining chilling and its impact on temperate perennial crops
Comparative Transcriptome and Metabolome Analysis of Developing Blackcurrant Seed Provides an Insight into Pathway-Specific Gene-Metabolite Co-expression
The Climafruit transnational trial
Effects of environment in the post flowering period on yield, berry quality, and chemical composition of red raspberry cv “Glen Ample”
Beneficial effects of berry polyphenols in the gut: Food digestion and colon cancer
The effects of environment on raspberry metabolites
Untargeted LC-MS analysis of the raspberry transnational trial
An update on the quantification of flavonoids in different soft fruits using hyphenated mass spectrometry
Research grants clear way for new berries
Measurements of leaf coverings in raspberries Project „ClimaFruit“
Obstbauversuchsanstalt Jork Dep. of fruit quality and fruit storage
Lagerung von Himbeeren
Lagerung von Brombeeren
Einfl uss einer Begrünung des Pfl anzstreifens in Schwarzen Johannisbeeren
Stickstoff -Steigerungsversuch in Schwarzen Johannisbeeren
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