Background and Aim
This project aimed to build and implement an integrated strategy for cities to strengthen their innovative capacity by means of a methodology of pilot projects developed and carried out by cities throughout the North Sea Region.
These pilot projects took the triple helix of ‘organisational capacity' of government, educational institutions and private businesses as a starting point, thus contributing to a strong programme of transnational interchange of learning, materials and best practice.
The project provided not only a long-sought contribution towards enhancing Europe's capability to pursue creativity and innovation, but also allowed the North Sea Region to fully realise its potential.
Innovation is recognized as a key driver of the economic performance of cities/ city-regions in the current post-industrial economy. To enhance their innovative capacity, many North Sea Region cities strive to place the ‘creative city' concept on their policy agenda. Still lacking though is an integrated evidence-based strategy for cities to strengthen their innovative capacity that also explicitly takes into account the interactions between these local policies and the goals set in Lisbon and Gothenburg.