European Collaborative Innovation Centres for broadband media services
Background and Aim
The overall aim of E-CLIC was to stimulate innovation through the establishment of eight new European collaborative innovation centres for broadband media services, and to develop the capacity for growth and employment across the North Sea Region through collaboration in a North Sea cluster.
Broadband access is essential to the prosperity and future development of Europe's rural regions, and broadband media services are a prerequisite for effective business and a must for the growth of jobs on which regional economies depend.
The European Commission has declared access to broadband as an important aim in the i2010 initiative. Broadband availability is a prerequisite for the provisioning of broadband services. These value-added services are perceived as the engine for stimulating economic growth and new impetus to the IT sector.
Broadband allows individuals and businesses to communicate and access services regardless of their geographical location. By its very nature, broadband bridges distances and is particularly beneficial to the development and attractiveness of remote and rural areas. Broadband internet services are among the fastest growing sectors in the worldwide economy, and rural and peripheral regions have great opportunities to fully participate in the development of these services.
The ambition of the North sea Region is to gain top position in Europe as the most advanced region in the development and provisioning of innovative broadband services. Building on the successful Interreg IIIB project BIRD (Broadband Access for Innovation and Regional Development), the E-CLIC partners launched an initiative of supporting innovation, development and provisioning of innovative broadband services.
E-CLIC moved forward by stimulating services that made use of the increasing availability of ample bandwidth and other infrastructural facilities. A crucial instrument for attaining this position was the establishment of a connected ring of collaborative innovation centres.
PROJECT DURATION | : 2008-09-01 - 2012-02-29 |
ERDF GRANT | : 2,786,170.00 € |
ERDF EQUIVALENT | : 498,830.00 € |
TOTAL ELIGIBLE BUDGET | : 6,570,000.00 € |
LEAD BENEFICIARY | : County Administrative Board of Värmland, Sweden |
Information Hub
E-CLIC Newsletter 2
E-CLIC Newsletter 3
E-CLIC Newsletter 4
E-CLIC Newsletter 5
Invitation to E-CLIC Final Conference 7 Dec 2011
E-CLIC Newsletter 6
WP 4 - Case Study 1 - Digital Stills and Movie Camera -part 1
WP 4 - Case Study 3 - Virutal Reality for Collaboration and E-learning
WP 4 - Case Study 2 - Digital Stills and Movie Camera - part 2
WP 4 - Case Study 4 - Mobile NetTV Media Centre
WP 4 - Case Study 5 - Development of an synchronal mobile netTV media center
WP 4 - Case study 6 - Podcasting
WP 4 - Case Study 7 - PDF - A New Breed of E-learning
WP 4 - Case Study 8 - Development of a Live Streaming Server System
WP 4 - Case Study 9 - Mobile Services - Part 1
WP 4 - Case Study 10 - Using Second Life as an E-learning Platform
WP 5 - Case Study 1 - Bandwidth Estimation using Passive Monitoring for WLANs
WP 5 - Case Study 2 - Impact of Caching on Peer-to-peer Traffic in Mesh Networks
WP 5 - Case Study 3 - Performance Optimizations for Voice over IP in Wireless Mesh Network
WP 5 - Case Study 4 - Multimetric OLSR and ETT
WP 5 - Case Study 5 - Enabling Individual Experiments in KAUMesh
WP 5 - Case Study 6 - Developing a AIS Antenna System
WP 5 - Case Study 7 - Impact of Adjacent Channel Interference on Performance of Multi-Radio
WP 5 - Case Study 8 - An Experimental Comparison of Burst Packet Transmission Schemes
WP 5 - Case Study 9 - Wireless City-Groningen-Examination of Transferability to Regions of the Weser-Ems District
WP 5 - Case Study 10 - A Model for Supplying Broadband Access to the Internet to Rural Areas in the Weser-Ems District
WP 5 - Case Study 11 - Analysis of the Accessibility to Broadband Internet for the Weser-Ems District
WP 5 - Case Study 12 - Mesh Networks to Provide Broadband Wireless Between Oil Rigs
WP 5 - Case Study 13 - One Way Delay Estimation in Multiradio Mesh Networks with Channel Switching
WP 5 - Case Study 14 - Broadband via Ethernet
WP 5 - Case Study 15 - Network Emulation
WP 5 - Case study 16 - Delay Penalty During SCTP Handover
WP 5 - Case Study 17 - Modelling ACI in Multiradio Mesh Networks
WP 5 - Case Study 18 - Interaction Between P2P Channel Assignment and Routing in Wireless Mesh Networks
WP 5 - Case Study 19 - A Monitoring Framework for Hotspot Enabled Mesh Networks
WP 5 - Case Study 20 - Development and Construction of an AIS Receiving Equipment in SDR
WP 5 - Case Study 21 - Multipath Routing in Mesh Networks
WP 5 - Case Study 22 - Tactical Ad Hoc Networks
WP 3 - Case study 1- Webcast Systems
WP 3 - Case Study 2 - Instant Profile Sharing - Joint Student Report
WP 3 - Case Study 3 - Business Models - Successful Online Business Models
WP 3 - Case Study 4 - Using Second Life as a eLearning Platform1
WP 3 - Case Study 5 - Evaluating a Telecare Project
WP 3 - Case Study 6 - The Wegwiezer - Using Video Conferencing in a Rural Area
WP 3 - Case Study 7 - Pay to Park - Joint Student Report
WP 3 - Case Study 8 - Virtual Cities - Joint Student Report
WP 3 - Case Study 9 - Advanced Methods for Usability Testing
WP 3 - Case Study 10 - Effects of Promotion on Webtraffic
WP 3 - Case Study 11 - ePower to the People-a Driver for Cross Sector Regional Development in Europe
WP 3 - Case Study 12 - Implementation Study of an Open Source E-Government-Application
WP 3 - Case Study 13 - Integration of Web 2.0 and Science 2.0 in eServices Development-e-me
WP 3 - Case Study 14 - Moving Images in the World Wide Web
WP 3 - Case Study 15 - Improving Medication Management with MediScan
WP 3 - Case Study 16 - Royal Dutch Vision
WP 3 - Case Study 17 - Young Readers and Newspaper apps
WP 3 - Case Study 18 - Usability and User Experience
WP 3 - Case Study 19 - Development of an Synchronal Mobile netTV Media Center
WP 3 - Case Study 20 - Feasibility Study of an Open Source E-Government-Application Upload
WP 3 - Case Study 21 - Usability Testing of Physican Searching and Rating Sites
WP 3 - Case Study 22 - X-Services - Extended Avatar-Services with Integrated Human-Driven Knowledge Management
WP 3 - Case Study 23 - Business Process Innovation with QR Codes
WP 3 - Case Study 24 - Speech Mmusic Spliter
WP 3 - Case Study 25 - Continuous Integration Tooling
WP 3 - Case Study 26 - Sleeping with Technology
WP 3 - Case Study 27 - Student Exchange on CeBIT
WP 3 - Case Study 28 - Toolbox Video Conferencing
WP 3 - Case Study 29 - User friendly e-Privacy
WP 3 - Case Study 30 - IPv6 Implementation
WP 3 - Case Study 31 - Knowledge Exchange BGP
WP 3 - Case Study 32 - Technical Planning and Setup E-CLIC LivingLab Hannover
WP 3 - Case Study 33 - Education and the iPad
WP 3 - Case Study 34 - Digital Arts
WP 3 - Case Study 35 - Generic Server Hosting Facilities
WP 3 - Case Study 36 - Feedback Monitor Case Study
WP 3 - Case Study 37 - Eyecatching for Local Newspaper Commented
WP 3 -Prototype Report 1 - M4D
WP 3 - Prototype Report 2 - TRACS
WP 3 - Prototype Report 3 - Anatomi - Fysiologi
WP 3 - Prototype Report 4 - Secure Voice over Internet Protocol
WP 3 - Prototype Report 4b - Manual for Secure Voice over Internet Protocol
WP 3 - Prototype Report 5 - Wikipilot
WP 3 - Prototype Report 5b - Review on Wikipilot Prototype
WP 3 - Prototype Report 6 - Second Life as an e-Learning Platform
WP 3 - Prototype Report 7 - The Optichem-Infonet DSS
WP 3 - Prototype Report 8 - Carlstad Code Camp
WP 3 - Prototype Report 9 - Speech Music Splitter
WP 3 - Prototype Report 10 - Dangers of Modern Traffic
WP 3 - Prototype Report 11a - e-Me - Core-1
WP 3 - Prototype Report 11b - e-Me Plugins
WP 3 - Prototype Report 11c - e-Me Producer Services
WP 3 - Prototype Report 11d - e-Me Prototype Consumer Services-2
WP 3 - Prototype Report 11e - e-Me Web
WP 3 - Prototype Report 11f - e-Me Cuponline Integration
WP 3 - Prototype Report 12 - AIS-Antenna System
WP 3 - Prototype Report 13 - E-CLIC TV-Platform
WP 3 - Prototype Report 14 -
WP 3 - Prototype Report 15 - GroningenGeeft Using Smartphone on Wireless Groningen Network
WP 3 - Prototype Report 16 - Restaurant Finder Using Smartphone on WirelessGroningen
WP 3 - Prototype Report 18 - Blood Scanner
WP 3 - Prototype Report 18b - Visio de Brink
WP 3 - Prototype Report 19 - City Guide Using Smartphone on WirelessGroningen
WP3 - Prototype Report 20 - Wild Office - Cloudcomputing for SME
WP 3 - Prototype Report 21 - Draft New Media Prototyping
WP 2 - 1_E-CLIC Programme Collaboration Between Centres
WP 2 - 2_E-CLIC Programme Student Involvement and Exchange
WP 2 - 3_E-CLIC Programme Company Involvement
WP 2 - 4_Initiative D21-jahresband 2008 German
WP 2 - 5a_Initiative D21 Study Ddigitalsociety
WP2 - 5b_Initiative D21 Digital Society English Abstract
WP 2 - 5c_Initiative D21 Digitale-Gesellschaft 2011 German
WP 2 - 6_ Draft Curriculum E-CLIC
WP 2 - 7_ Case Study Enabling Individual Experiments in KAUMesh
WP 2 - 8_Case Study Technical Planning and Setup LivingLab
WP 2 - 9_TH9FullpaperFinal The Studios Business Accelerator
WP 2 - 10_E-CLIC Virtual Meeting Platform Introduction to Second Life
WP 2 - 11_Student Workshop Presentation Wireless Applications for Tourism
WP 2 - 12_Student Workshop Presentation Mobile Applications for Tourism
WP 6 - E-CLIC Highlights Final Report Smallfile
WP 6 - E-CLIC Revised Midterm Evaluation
WP 6 - ePower Paper on Co-design
WP 6 - Evaluation of LivingLabs
WP 6 - Evaluation Report on E-CLIC Model
WP 6 - Examensarbete C2009-04 DISE Swedish
WP 6 - Exploitation Plan on E-CLIC Model
WP 6 - Exploitation Plan on E-CLIC Model Final
Wp 6 - Guideline on e-Services
WP 1 - E-CLIC Flyer
WP 1 - E-CLIC Brochure
WP 1 - E-CLIC Communication Plan
WP 1 - E-CLIC Booklet
WP 1 - Competition 24 Hours
WP 1 - E-CLIC Final Conference
WP 2 - KAUMesh E-CLIC LivingLab Värmland
WP 2 - EPIC Studios E-CLIC LivingLab Norfolk
WP 2 - Planet Mid E-CLIC LivingLab Hannover
WP 2 - The Studios - Business Accelerator HOWEST
The E-CLIC Model Report