North Sea Supply Connect
North Sea Supply Connect
Background and Aim
Small markets in the North Sea Region and SME access barriers to European supply markets were key problems addressed by the project. The project sought to address the following objectives:
- To extend knowledge for better SME performance on NE European SME supply markets
- To Enhance competitiveness of NSR SMES on NE European Supply Markets
- To Increase impact of regional reconomic innovation policy on SME involvement in NE European Supply markets
- To promote Northeast European integration
Small markets in the North Sea Region and SME access barriers to European supply markets cause competitive disadvantages for Northern SMEs and their regions compared to suppliers and regions involved in large regions.
Despite the 2004 EU enlargement, such barriers are still effective, e.g. between the Baltic Sea Region and the North Sea Region and other European areas. If SMEs stick to the prosperity of traditional regional markets, major markets will be at risk. This risk is further aggravated by the ongoing global economic crisis, which challenge regional economies to join forces with partners at an interregional level in order to regain competitiveness and to master structural change.
PROJECT DURATION | : 2009-10-01 - 2013-03-31 |
ERDF GRANT | : 1,383,357.00 € |
TOTAL ELIGIBLE BUDGET | : 2,766,714.00 € |
LEAD BENEFICIARY | : Provincie Groningen, The Netherlands |
Information Hub
European Support Network Platform
North Sea Supply Connect Newsletter jan 12
North Sea Supply Connect newsletter apr 11
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