European Collaborative Innovation Centres for broadband media services
E-CLIC aimed to develop research and innovation networks related to broadband media services in order to stimulate the commercialisation of the region’s knowledge base and encourage the development of new employment opportunities.
E-CLIC aimed to enhance the provision of broadband services that were perceived as the engine for stimulating economic growth and employment. A ‘cluster' of eight Broadband Media Centres was established to create North Sea Region competence, increase critical mass in the sector and promote cooperation between businesses, research and education organisations.

E-Logistics in NSR Harbour Cities
E-Harbours aimed to create a lasting change towards sustainable energy logistics for North Sea Region harbour cities. It set innovative energy standards to create a transformation of the energy network in harbour areas. Showcases provided examples for the North Sea Region, guided by a European expert platform. By doing this, the project implemented EU energy policies, developed innovative solutions and allowed economic growth.
Innovation in different fields and an integrated approach were strongly needed. Smart energy networks and electric mobility were both vital aspects and strongly related to each other. The partnership consisted of key organizations to create a change: public authorities, municipal harbour/energy companies and national knowledge centres from the North Sea Region.

e-harbours movement
Smart Energy Logistics in harbours
Harbours are a microcosm of the challenges that Europe as a whole will have to face in its energy future. The shift towards renewables puts a strain on the existing electricity system, where demand and supply need to be in balance at all times.
To avoid loss or spill of large amounts of valuable green energy in times of high production, the power and heat sectors can be combined in various ways. This multi-modal energy approach is a driver of sustainability and economic development in both large and small harbours. The techniques are there, what is needed is a smart cooperation.

E-Mobility NSR
North Sea Region Electric Mobility Network (E-Mobility NSR)
The project North Sea Region Electric Mobility Network (E-Mobility NSR) provided state of the art information, which helped policy development in e-mobility in the North Sea Region. It also provided insight into the gaps and needs in respect of infrastructure, logistics and preliminary standards for multi charging techniques. Ultimately, the project delivered a long-term basis upon which regional and local governments as well as other relevant stakeholders in the North Sea Region might engage on e-mobility.

Estuaries on the Move
EMOVE wanted to give insight on what we knew and needed to find out by research or pilots to maintain accessible, flood safe and ecological resilient estuaries. By a community-led approach stakeholders became shareholders and developed a joint vision on how to be able to maintain accessible estuaries. The project delivered an Innovative Virtual Communication Platform to facilitate (trans)national and regional communication and cooperation concerning complex spatial problems. With this insight, and the community led approach, accessibility of harbours and estuarian areas have been improved.

BlueGreen Coastal Energy Community
The project focused on strengthening the regional production of biomass as a source of bio energy. A substantiated and consolidated investment plan based on commercially viable bio-energy supply chains was presented and implemented. The business model was applied in parallel to differentiated blue-green energy clusters in the North Sea Region and ensured transfer of management expertise between the clusters and identified market interdependences.
The aim was to enable the successful further exploitation of the region's blue-green low carbon energy sources by integrating the biomass grower at one end and the energy producer at the other end. enercoast thereby opened new sources of bio energy, reduced the regional dependency of energy imports and increased the competitiveness of regional energy producers as well ensured their income in a long-term perspective.

European Regions for Innovative Productivity
The project identified an increasing pressure on EU manufacturers to be more efficient and innovative in their processes. The cause of this pressure was identified by the project as increased production capacity in low-cost economies and increased innovation and level of sophistication of supply chains in high-cost economies.
The main problems undermining the competitiveness of SMEs were limited knowledge of lean/agile techniques, limited understanding of regional governments, lack of knowledge transfer to SMEs, and a lack of resources amongst SMEs. The method applied was to use a regional model to improve manufacturing efficiency as the initial core of the ERIP model, which was subsequently transferred across the North Sea Region.